Libraries & Learning Commons

Love Library (Main Library)

Location: City Campus

View Love Library Website
Photo of Love Library south with gates

Love Library North, 1st Floor

Adele Hall Learning Commons

Location: City Campus

View Adele Hall Website
Photo of the Adele Hall Learning Commons

Dinsdale Family Learning Commons

Location: East Campus

View the Dinsdale Website
Photo of the Dinsdale Family Learning Commons

Architecture Library

Location: City Campus

View Architecture Library Website
Photo of architecture hall

Geology Library

Location: City Campus

View Geology Library Website
Photo of Bessey Hall

Math Library

Location: City Campus

View Math Library website
Photo of Avery Hall

Music Library


Location: City Campus

View Music Library Website
Photo of the Music Building

Library Depository Retrieval Facility (LDRF)

Location: East Campus

View the LDRF Website
Photo of the exterior of the LDRF building

Schmid Law Library

Location: East Campus

View Schmid Law Library Website
Photo of the exterior of the Law building

Archives & Special Collections


  • Love Library, City Campus
  • Library Depository Retrieval Facility (LDRF), East Campus
View Archives & Special Collections Website
Photo of Love Library south with gates