Standards of Conduct

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The Libraries’ Standards of Conduct applies to all persons using the Libraries’ online or physical resources, spaces, or services and all visitors to the University Libraries (collectively, the “patrons”). The standards are intended to supplement, rather than replace, other University policies.

The Standards of Conduct extends to all University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries locations in Architecture Hall, Avery Hall, Bessey Hall, Dinsdale Family Learning Commons, Kiewit Hall, Library Depository Retrieval Facility, Love Library, Nebraska Hall and Westbrook Music Building.

University Libraries provides a safe, accessible and welcoming environment for all. Patrons are encouraged to use our spaces for information discovery, collaboration, scholarly research, and creative endeavors. Patrons are expected to treat others with respect and refrain from engaging in any conduct that substantially and unreasonably interferes with the safe and orderly use, operation, or administration of the facilities.

Prohibited Conduct

Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:

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Damaging property

Damaging, defacing or stealing library materials or equipment, or in any way destroying or damaging library furnishings, walls, equipment, or other library property.

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Obstructing entries and exits

Obstructing ingress/egress or access to fire exits, elevators, or other thoroughfares.

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Operating vehicles

Operating or using wheeled vehicles, except for wheelchairs and other medical devices. Skateboards and skates may be brought into the libraries but not ridden and must be hand-carried. Bicycles and electric scooters must be stored outside.

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Causing a disruption

Engaging in a disruptive activity in Libraries facilities. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Interfering with the use of the Libraries by other patrons or interfering with Libraries employees’ performance of their duties.
  • Obstructing or disrupting teaching or learning activities or other sanctioned Libraries events.
  • Engaging in conduct that unreasonably endangers health and/or safety of yourself or others.
  • Abusing, threatening or intimidating Libraries patrons or staff through language or action.
  • Causing excessive noise, including the use of electronic equipment at an unreasonable volume plainly audible to others.
  • Discarding litter outside of designated trash or recycling receptacles.
  • Soliciting money or property for personal gain.
  • Leafleting, or unsolicited distribution of flyers or similar materials.
  • Engaging in sexual harassment or overt sexual behavior.
  • Displaying sexually explicit, extremely violent, or other graphic content on computers or personal devices in such a way that it is visible or audible to any other Libraries patrons or employees.
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Taking photos and recording video

Taking photographs or recording videos in Libraries facilities without consent or prior approval.

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Sleeping for an extended period of time in common areas or in spaces held by reservation. Staff may check the wellness of anyone who appears to be asleep or unconscious.

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Disregarding any University policies

Engaging in conduct that violates any University policy, regulation, or guideline or any federal, state, or local law.

If a patron is unwilling or unable to conform to the Libraries' Standards of Conduct, the patron may be asked to leave the facility and/or be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards or law enforcement authorities, as appropriate. In the event of significant or repeated violation(s) of the Standards of Conduct, a patron may be prohibited from entering some or all of the Libraries’ facilities. Whenever feasible, the patron shall be notified of such prohibition in writing.

Libraries staff have the authority to administer and interpret the standards, including determining violations, and may take any reasonable actions they deem necessary to preserve, facilitate or maintain Libraries’ operations or patrons’ normal use or enjoyment of Libraries’ services, resources, expertise or spaces.

For questions, email ASKus.