Space Usage Policy

Space in all University Libraries' locations is primarily intended for academic research collections, Libraries’ teaching, services, and programs, study space for the University community, and Libraries’-sponsored or co-sponsored events. UNL Libraries space for personal use or events by current student groups or alumni groups is outside the scope of our intended use.   This includes any activity resulting in financial gain for the client, except for charitable fundraisers or other events approved in advance by Library Administration. 

Other campus locations and organizations provide spaces that faculty and student groups can reserve for social and extra-curricular activities. Visit Nebraska Union's page about Room Reservations for more information.


Group Study Rooms

All group study rooms are collaborative learning spaces for students. Group study rooms are not to be used for events. Late arrivals to reserved rooms will forfeit their reservation after 15 minutes. Items left unattended for 15 minutes will be removed to the lost and found and the absence will forfeit the reservation. If there is a problem with room equipment, please bring it to the attention of Libraries’ staff.  For more information about study rooms, visit  Places to Study.

Library Exhibits 

Exhibit spaces are available throughout the libraries including walls and display cases. Please contact Libraries Exhibit Manager, Erin Colonna, at 402-472-3536 for more information and to check available dates and spaces. 

Library Instruction Spaces

University Libraries’ learning spaces are designed for library instruction and course specific instruction by library professionals; they cannot be reserved for course scheduling on a term or semester basis except for courses offered by Libraries faculty and staff. These rooms are available to building partners, but library instruction receives priority when scheduling room use. Negotiation of space use will be done on a case-by-case basis. If there is a problem with room equipment, please bring it to the attention of Libraries' staff. Please contact Toni Anaya, Associate Director of Public & Information Services at 402-472-4199 or, or Regina Flowers, Learning Commons & Events Coordinator at 402-472-3945 or, for additional information.

Meeting Rooms

Meeting rooms in University Libraries facilities are available to Libraries staff and building partners. These arrangements are governed by memoranda of understanding between University Libraries and partner units.

Event Spaces

Open areas in University Libraries’ spaces are primarily for study. Events in open areas must align with the space use policy and consider the academic calendar.  Please contact Learning Commons & Events Coordinator, Regina Flowers at 402-472-3945 or for additional information.

Other Spaces

 Outdoor Spaces Faculty, staff, and other groups must obtain approval for outdoor activities from the Nebraska Unions. Please contact the Nebraska Unions Reservation Office: City Campus: 402-472-8168/8167, East Campus: 402-472-1778.

Love Library Auditorium 102 Faculty, staff, and other groups should obtain approval for use of the Love Library Auditorium from the Office of the University Registrar. For more information, visit The Office of The Registrar's page on  General Purpose Classrooms.

The University Libraries reserves the rights to:

cancel, interrupt, or terminate any event in the interest of a weather-related emergency, public safety, or noncompliance with University of Nebraska-Lincoln policies.

Inclement Weather

If the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is closed, all University Libraries’ locations will be closed and all events scheduled in the buildings will be cancelled. Please refer to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s homepage for re-opening information.

If you need additional information or have questions, please contact Toni Anaya, Associate Director of Public & Information Services at 402-472-4199 or