Libraries Staff Intranet & Resources

UNL Libraries Intranet Site

University Libraries uses SharePoint to store documents, and provide internal information for our faculty & staff. 

Visit the UNL- University Libraries SharePoint Site

Employee Learning & Development

The Libraries' vision includes a strong staff development program, where individuals keep information literacy skills current and effectively contribute to the development of the Libraries.

View the Learning & Development Sharepoint Page

Submit a Report or Project Request

LibrariesIT Tech Support

Request technology assistance from LibrariesIT.

Check past ticket submissions

Submit the LibrariesIT Tech Support Form

Technical Services Reporting Form

Submit requests and issues related to collections.

Submit a report to Tech Services

Graphic Design, Event and Web Requests

Print and digital graphic design requests should be submitted through the form linked on the Libraries Sharepoint site

Event or webpage requests create a to-do directly in Basecamp. View the instructions on how to do this

If you have access issues with Basecamp email

Libraries Communications

Share your stories, milestones, and good news

We are always looking for stories for the Libraries newsletters. How to contact library communications if you have a story to share or an accomplishment to publicize:

Student Assistant IIPP

IIPP Checklist & Emergency Preparedness Training

The University's Core-Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP) and Core-Emergency Preparedness (EP), designed to make employees more aware of workplace health and safety.

Go To The Training Site