Inclusive Excellence

Libraries' Commitment

The University Libraries supports the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s (UNL) core values, beliefs, and commitment to inclusive excellence. We are committed to antiracism and seeking a path to racial equity. We are taking active steps towards inclusive excellence by deeply integrating diversity, equity, inclusion, and access in all our everyday work. We weave this commitment through the overarching goals set forth in the Libraries Strategic Plan for 2020-2022.  

For Researchers & Scholars

Visit our Diversity LibGuide for information and resources to help you in your research in culture, race, ethnicity, gender, socio-economics and a variety of other topics in the field of diversity. 

Mission Statement

University Libraries advances the mission of the University by teaching students to become critical information-users and knowledge creators; through the creation, delivery, curation, and preservation of information resources; through collaborative partnerships in research and creative activities; by advocating for equitable access to information; and by creating diverse and inclusive learning environments.  

Inclusive Excellence Committee

The Inclusive Excellence Committee promotes diversity and inclusion across all Libraries initiatives. It seeks to develop strategies to recruit and retain faculty and staff from underrepresented groups as well as foster an inclusive work environment. To facilitate this, the committee creates Libraries events, professional development opportunities, and resources. The IE Committee is comprised of Libraries faculty, staff, and leadership. 

For more information contact:

Charlene Maxey-Harris