Emergency Procedures

Libraries Emergency Procedures

The following information outlines UNL Libraries evacuation and shelter procedures for fire, bomb, power outage, and tornado emergencies. We encourage you to review this information and become familiar with University alarms, evacuation routes and shelter locations.

If you have questions about the evacuation route or shelter procedures, contact or visit the ASKus desk located at each of our Libraries.

The Libraries also follows University of Nebraska Emergency Planning and Preparedness. Visit Emergency Preparedness Resources for more information.

Fire or Bomb Threat

  • When the fire alarm goes off, evacuate the building.

  • Exit the building through designated fire exits.

  • Do NOT use elevators to evacuate the building during an emergency.


Activation of civil defense sirens occurs only when a tornado has been spotted on the ground in Lincoln / Lancaster County. When a tornado warning has been issued:

  • Proceed to the basement using the stairs (do not use the elevators).

  • If you are unable to get to the basement, move to an area in the center of the building away from windows.

  • Wait for the all-clear from library staff before exiting the building.

Power Outage

If a power outage occurs in the building, the emergency lights will activate. 

  • You may be asked to evacuate the building.

  • Elevators will not work during a power outage.