Writing, Citations & Preventing Plagiarism

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Writing Help

The Writing Center offers help for all levels of writing experience, all stages of the writing process, and all disciplines. Writing center help is available to UNL students, faculty and staff.

Visit the Writing Center

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Citation Tools

Citation tools provide information about proper citation formats. You can also collect and manage your citations. Some citation management tools offer more advanced features to network and share citations with other students and colleagues.

Citation Tools

tutorial Step-by-Step Tutorial: Citation Management Tools

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Plagiarism & Proper Citations

Understand plagiarism and the importance of citing your sources properly. This guide provides information to help define plagiarism and answer simple and more complex questions about citing sources.

Plagiarism & Citation Guide & Tutorials


The University Libraries no longer administers a mediated iThenticate service. UNL faculty and graduate students preparing materials for publication should contact the Associate Dean for Research in their College to request access to iThenticate.

What is Turnitin and does the Libraries support it?