Publication Request Policy & Fees

Publication and Reproductions Statement

As archivists, our work reflects the Society of American Archivists core values, including “expanding access and usage opportunities for users, and potential users, of archival records.” Promoting the use of our rare and unique research materials is a key part of our mission. With these principles in mind, we have created Publication and Reproduction Request Policies to support equitable and widespread use of our materials.

We acknowledge MIT Libraries, UC Berkeley Library, and the University of Iowa Libraries, whose permissions policies provided inspiration for our own.

Publication Request Policy


The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the reproduction, distribution, and use of copyrighted material. Archives & Special Collections does not hold copyright for most items in our collections, and we are unable to grant or deny publication permissions for those items.

  • Whenever possible, Archives & Special Collections will provide information about copyright ownership.
  • Users assume full responsibility for obtaining permission from copyright holders to publish or use materials in compliance with U.S. copyright law.
  • Users requesting publication permission from Archives & Special Collections will be required to indemnify and hold harmless the University of Nebraska, its officers and employees, from any action involving the infringement of the rights of any person or heirs and descendants in common law or under statutory copyright.

Public domain

  • Items in the public domain are not protected by copyright.
  • If an item from our collections is in public domain, users do not need to request permission to publish it from Archives & Special Collections.

Fair Use

  • If the intended use of an item qualifies as fair use under U.S. copyright law, users do not need to request permission to publish from Archives & Special Collections.
  • Users are responsible for evaluating whether their intended use qualifies as fair use.
  • Section 107 of U.S. copyright law governs fair use limitations on copyrights. Four factors are used to determine fair use, and all four are to be considered for each instance:
    • the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes
    • the nature of the copyrighted work
    • the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole
    • the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work

When Archives & Special Collections manages copyright for an item:

  • Non-commercial use is available through a creative commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share-Alike license (CC BY-NC-SA).
  • Commercial use requires the submission of a permission to publish form, approval from Archives & Special Collections, and the payment of a usage fee prior to release. If a request is granted, users will be notified within ten business days.
  • Usage fees are charged according to Archives & Special Collections’ fee schedule.

Citing Archives & Special Collections

Citing Archives & Special Collections in publications, broadcasts, and displays helps researchers identify and use our materials in their works. Follow this citation format:

  • Collection Name (MS or RG number). Archives & Special Collections, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries.

Additional Information

In granting permission to publish materials held in the Archives & Special Collections, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln does not surrender its own right to publish materials or to grant others permission to publish it.

Other legal or contractual restrictions may apply to items in Archives & Special Collections.

  • Users assume full responsibility for assessing permissible uses under all other laws or conditions, such as privacy and publicity rights.
  • Archives & Special Collections will restrict use when that usage would violate restrictions specified in a certificate of gift.

Use of our materials in a publication or broadcast does not imply any endorsement by the Libraries, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, or any third-party rights holder.


  • Commercial use: Use in a profit-making venture.
  • Non-commercial use: Use by non-profit entities, public broadcasters, accredited educational institutions, and their departments (including academic presses), and government entities.
  • Publication includes use of an item in print, electronic (online or on other media), broadcast, microfilm, or public display.
  • Reproductions include digital and paper-based duplicates of collection materials.

Publication Fees

Fees for Still Images

The fees listed below are for non-exclusive use of a single image unless otherwise indicated. They are assessed in addition to duplication charges (photocopy, scan, or other) and are to be paid in advance of publication. Only those images actually used in publication are subject to fees. If a request covers more than one form of publication, the fees are cumulative.

These fees are separate from any which might be assigned or assessed by the copyright holder.

Publication fees are waived for UNL students working on their theses or dissertations.

Fees for use in Books

Books: Text Illustration

Number of CopiesOne Time Use, One CountryOne Time Use, Worldwide
2,000 copies or less$50.00$75.00
2,001 - 10,000 copies$100.00$150.00
10,001 copies or more$200.00$250.00


Books: Jacket / Cover Illustration

Number of CopiesOne Time Use, One CountryOne Time Use, Worldwide
2,000 copies or less$150.00$200.00
2,001 - 10,000 copies$350.00$400.00
10,001 copies or more$450.00$500.00

Fees for use in Periodicals

Periodicals: Text Illustration

AmountOne Time Use, One CountryOne Time Use, Worldwide
Circ. 1,000 or Lessno feeno fee
Circ. 1,001 - 10,000$50.00$75.00
Circ. 10,001 - 99,999$100.00$150.00
Circ. 100,000+$200.00$250.00


Periodicals: Cover Illustration

AmountOne Time Use, One CountryOne Time Use, Worldwide
Circ. 1,000 or Lessno feeno fee
Circ. 1,001 - 10,000$150.00$200.00
Circ. 10,001 - 99,999$350.00$400.00
Circ. 100,000+$450.00$500.00

Translations: Contact Archives & Special Collections for pricing.

Microforms and Facsimiles: Contact Archives & Special Collections for pricing.

Fees for use in Other Print Products

Calenders, Posters, Greeting Cards, Postcards, Novelty Items, etc.

Printing: 1000 or less$200.00
Printing: 1,001 - 9,999$300.00
Printing: 10,000+$500.00

Fees for use in Electronic Formats

For non-exclusive, one-time single country rights only. For additional rights, contact Archives & Special Collections.

Online use of Still Images for websites for commercial purposes

$100.00 per image


Television/Cable/Satellite Broadcast of Still Images

One country:$200.00
One country:$300.00

Home video format use: $100 per image in addition to broadcast fees.


Feature Films Use of Still Images

World Distribution$1,200.00

For home video format, add $100 per image.


Television or Other Promotional Use of Still Images

Ads for T.V.$1,000.00

Fees For Moving Images & Sound Recordings

Representations of moving images and sound recordings from the collections of the UNL Libraries Archives & Special Collections, or recorded of spaces and activities of the UNL Libraries, may be used by individuals and corporate entities in various ways. This schedule specifies the fees charged for such uses.

How Fees are Charged

No publishing fee is charged for personal research or enjoyment, for use by teachers or students for class instruction or assignments, or for use by Nebraska local news media. Otherwise, use of still images is charged according to fees based on COMMERCIAL or NON-COMMERCIAL characteristics, defined thus:

  • Non-Commercial Use: Use by non-profit entities (proof of non-profit status, certified by the IRS, is required), public broadcasters, accredited educational institutions and their departments (including academic presses), and government entities.
  • Commercial Use: Use in a profit-making venture.

Duplication and Special Access Fees

Use fees are charged in addition to any charges for access or duplication services.

  • Direct Promotion: Any moving image or sound recording used in a product may also be used in the direct promotion of the work without requiring additional permissions or incurring additional use fees.
  • Multiple use "bundles":Broadcasters and publishers may choose "bundled" rates for projects containing multiple uses.
  • Bulk rates: Some projects may qualify for bulk rates. Contact UNL Archives & Special Collections for pricing.
  • Payment:
  • Use fees must be paid or invoiced in advance of receiving use permissions and are non-refundable. Nebraska state agencies must pay through IBT. Use fees are subject to change without notice.
  • Waivers: UNL reserves the right to waive fees or other requirements on an individual basis at the discretion of the Chair of Digital Initiatives & Special Collections. Such waiver of fees can be made only upon approval of written application.
  • Duplication and Special Access Fees: Use fees are charged in addition to any charges for access or duplication services provided by the UNL Archives and Special Collections.

Fees for use in Media Productions: Commercial or Non-Commercial

Motion Picture Production For Theatrical or Direct-To-Home Video/DVD Release

Commercial:$30.00/second with $150.00 minimum
Non-commercial:$6.00/second with $30.00 minimum


Television Broadcast Production

Commercial:$30.00/second with $150.00 minimum
Non-commercial:$6.00/second with $30.00 minimum


Advertisement (Broadcast, Podcast, etc.)

Commercial:$20.00/second with $100.00 minimum
Non-commercial:$4.00/second with $20.00 minimum


Promotional or Training Production

Commercial:$20.00/second with $100.00 minimum
Non-commercial:$4.00/second with $20.00 minimum


Internet-Based Broadcast Production

Commercial:$30.00/second with $150.00 minimum
Non-commercial:$6.00/second with $30.00 minimum


Independent Moving Image Production

Commercial:$10.00/second with $50.00 minimum
Non-commercial:$2.00/second with $10.00 minimum


Broadcast Bundle (includes television broadcast, internet-based broadcast, companion website, companion book, and home video/DVD

Commercial:$50.00/second with $250.00 minimum
Non-commercial:$15.00/second with $75.00 minimum

Fees for Other Uses of Moving Images

Decorative Display in a Business or Workplace

Commercial:$30.00/second with $150.00 minimum
Non-commercial:$6.00/second with $30.00 minimum



Commercial:$20.00/second with $100.00 minimum
Non-commercial:$4.00/second with $20.00 minimum



Commercial:$10.00/second with $50.00 minimum
Non-commercial:$2.00/second with $10.00 minimum


Performance or Presentation

Commercial:$10.00/second with $50.00 minimum
Non-commercial:$2.00/second with $10.00 minimum

Access & Use

Visit the Access & Use page for the Historical Records Statement and for information about Access and Use Guidelines.

Access & Use Page