Historical Records Statement

Materials and records in the Archives & Special Collections are historical in nature. They may contain stereotypes, such as those related to race, ethnicity, and gender, and other language and imagery that are inappropriate by today's standards.

Archives & Special Collections provide access to collections through the publication of finding aids, catalog records, and select digital materials. Our resources are historical in nature and may contain documents, images, or other items with sensitive content now recognized as inappropriate and harmful to access. Our resources are retained to fully represent the materials in their original format, but we strive for descriptive practices that are inclusive and respectful, done with context and consultation with relevant communities. We value opportunities to proactively enhance our archival description. Please contact Archives & Special Collections at archives@unl.edu or 402-472-2531

Archives & Special Collections is guided by their mission, the University Libraries diversity mission statement and the core values of the Society of American Archivists.