Education Abroad

Education Abroad


At the College of Engineering, we recognize that having an international perspective is imperative to being a well-rounded engineer. Spending time abroad and developing the ability to work and communicate effectively across cultures is one of the best things you can do to increase your marketability in a global job market.

As a student in engineering, construction or computing, an experience abroad will undoubtedly expand your perspective on the engineering profession and the world around you. University of Nebraska students are afforded many unique opportunities to globalize their engineering education. No matter what your goals are, there are education abroad options that will suit your academic, personal, and professional needs.

My advice for engineering students who are looking to go abroad would be to try something different. Go out of your comfort zone and explore. Academically, I learned something that I would have not originally chosen (architectural engineering), so I got to see a different side of engineering disciplines.

Studied abroad in Italy

Susie named Gilman Scholarship recipient

In 2021, School of Computing student Hadley Susie earned the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship to support credit-bearing study abroad, internship abroad or virtual international opportunities.

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Faculty-led Programs

Faculty-Led Programs are short-term (typically 2-3 weeks) study-abroad experiences led by COE professors. Students receive UNL credit for these experiences. Courses that are at least three credits satisfy the ACE 9 outcome requirement when taken with UGEP 250 (0 Credits).

Featured programs

Featured programs allow COE students to enroll in courses in engineering and related subjects that advance their matriculation while also allowing them to immerse themselves in another culture. These are approved programs through third-party study abroad organizations. Depending upon the program and major of the student, participants can take up to 400-level classes and transfer them back to UNL. Students can take classes at a foreign institution or at an academic center administered by the host organization during a semester, January term, or summer term. Students who enroll in at least three credits satisfy the ACE 9 outcome requirement when taken with UGEP 250 (0 Credits).

Summer and Semester Full Curriculum at John Cabot University in Rome, Italy

Study abroad for a few weeks in the summer, or a whole semester, in one of the most popular study abroad destinations for students. Experience the food, culture, ancient history, and breathtaking sites Rome has to offer. Earn up to 6 credits (summer) or 16 credits (semester) during your education abroad. John Cabot University has a variety of classes, many of which can count towards major, minor, or elective requirements at UNL. Previously approved courses for COE majors include:

Program Link: Click Here

Course title abroadUNL Equivalent
StaticsMECH 223
Mechanics of MaterialsMECH 325
Fluid MechanicsMECH 310
Microcontroller ProgrammingECEN 220
Calculus IIMATH 107+108 (combo)
Linear AlgebraMATH 314
Summer Engineering and Math in Prague, Czech Republic

Study abroad for 3-4 weeks in what is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Enroll in and complete a math course (3 credits) while complimenting your experience with an art history, international relations, or photography course. Previously approved courses for COE majors include:

Program Link: Click Here

Course title abroadUNL Equivalent
Linear AlgebraMATH 314
Differential EquationsMATH 221
Calculus IIIMATH 208
Summer (or Semester) in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Study abroad for a few weeks in the summer, or for a semester, in the most popular tourist destination in South America - Argentina. Argentina boasts staggering geography, a renowned arts community, and a growing economy - driven by an exciting mixture of cultures. Previously approved courses for COE majors include:

Program Link: Click Here

Course title abroadUNL Equivalent
Physics IIPHYS 212
Thermal PhysicsPHYS 431
Discrete MathMATH 3XX
Differential EquationsMATH 221
ThermodynamicsMECH 200
Electrical CircuitsECEN 236
additional lab needed upon return
DynamicsMECH 373
Hanyang Summer School in Seoul, South Korea

Spend the summer studying at Hanyang University and take courses in engineering, science, business, Korean language, humanities, and more. Located in the eastern part of South Korea's capital, the university's campus is easily accessible to the rest of the city. Although in an urban environment, the Hanyang campus is comparable and offers similar amenities to most American campuses/universities. Previously approved courses for COE majors include:

Program Link: Click Here

Course title abroadUNL Equivalent
Fluid MechanicsMECH 310
Heat TransferMECH 420
Impact of Electromagnetic RadiationTBD
Introduction to Computer ScienceCSCE 115A
Introduction to AI and Deep Learning BasicsCSCE 479
Foundations on Data Science and VisualizationCSCE 412
Introduction to CybersecurityCSCE 463
Microprocessor and loTCSCE 438
C++ ProgrammingTBD
Lancaster University Semester Exchange Program

The reciprocal exchange program between UNL and Lancaster University (Lancaster, England) allows undergraduate students to spend a semester or academic year fully integrated with their British peers within Lancaster - student housing, regular classes, etc. Most majors offered at UNL are also available at Lancaster.

Program Link: Click Here

Hannover Summer Science and Engineering Projects Programs, Germany

The Leibniz University Hannover - Summer Science and Engineering Projects program allows UNL engineering and science majors to carry out research internships under the direction of local faculty members. Leibniz University Hannover is a member of the TU9, an association of the leading technical universities in Germany.

No knowledge of German is required for participation, as the program is conducted entirely in English. However, for those looking to develop their language skills, Hannover's dialect is considered especially learner-friendly. Hannover is the capital of Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) and the political and cultural center of the region. Known as a "Green City" and "City of Short Distances," Hannover is a great home base for students to explore near and far in their free time.

Program Link: Click Here
Course Credit: Students will receive a certificate of completion, which is transferrable for 1 to 6 UNL credits. Students will work with a UNL transfer credit evaluator to determine the number of credits they will receive for the research program.


Education Abroad Contacts

Allison Hinesley

International Activities Associate
(College of Engineering)

City Campus (Lincoln)
115W NH
(402) 472-1816
Mon & Wed: 9am - 3pm

Trish Manga

Global Experiences Coordinator (College of Engineering)

City Campus (Lincoln)
115W Nebraska Hall & 130 Louise Pound Hall
(402) 472-6197