Eva Franke-Schubert

Avatar for Eva Franke-Schubert

Eva Franke-Schubert

Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln


NH 430R
Lincoln NE 68588-0511
402-472-3771 On-campus 2-3771

Areas of Research and Professional Interest

  • Nanofabrication
  • Thin Film Deposition
  • Ion beam processing
  • Chiral materials and Hybrids
  • Material characterization


Academic Degrees

  • Dr.rer.nat. (Ph.D.), 1998 University of Leipzig, Germany
  • Diploma, 1994 University of Leipzig Germany


  • Ion beam technology
  • Thin film preparation and characterization
  • Chiral hybrid materials
  • Electronic materials
  • In situ process monitoring

About Eva Franke-Schubert

Eva Franke Schubert received her Ph.D. degree in 1998 and her diploma degree in 1994, both from University of Leipzig in Germany. She spent her Postdoc time in the Department of Electrical Engineering at University of Nebraska in Lincoln from 1999 to 2000. After returning to Germany, Eva Franke Schubert joined the Leibniz-Institute for Surface Modification in Leipzig and served in various positions. She joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at University of Nebraska in Lincoln 2006 and holds currently the position of an Assistant Professor. Professor Schubert’s research interests are in the fields of ion beam processing and material fabrication for nano-electromechanic, magnetic and optical device applications. Eva Franke Schubert presented her research work in over 60scientific publications and 11 invited conference contributions, and received the Junior Faculty Award from University of Leipzig.


In the News:

Selected Publications

Selected Publications:

  • E. Schubert, "Sub-wavelength antireflection coatings from sculptured thin films", Contrib. Plasma Phys. 47, 545 (2007).
  • E. Schubert, J, Fahlteich, B. Rauschenbach, M. Schubert, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, and G. Wagner, "Recrystallisation behaviour of sculptured thin films from silicon", J. Appl. Phys. 100 (2006).
  • E. Schubert, F. Frost, N. Razek, D. Hirsch, A. Schindler, and B. Rauschenbach, "Surface cleaning of GaAs by low-energy hydrogen ion-bombardment", J. Appl. Phys. 97, 54 (2005).
  • E. Schubert, F. Frost, Th. Höche, and B. Rauschenbach, "Nanostructure fabrication by glancing angle ion beam assisted deposition of silicon", App. Phys. A 81, 481 (2005).
  • E. Schubert, F. Frost, B. Ziberi, G. Wagner, H. Neumann, B. Rauschenbach, "Ion beam sputter deposition of soft x-ray Mo/Si multilayer mirrors", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 23, 959-965 (2005).
  • E. Franke, M. Schubert, J.A. Woollam, J.-D. Hecht, G. Wagner, H. Neumann, F. Bigl,"In situ ellipsometry growth characterization of dual ion beam deposited boron nitride thin films", J. Appl. Phys., 87, 2593 (2000).
  • E. Franke, C.L. Trimble, J.S. Hale, M.Schubert, J.A. Woollam,"Solid state electrochromic reflectance device for emittance modulation in the infrared spectral region", Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 930 (2000).


  • E. Schubert, F. Frost, H. Neumann, B. Rauschenbach, B. Fuhrmann, F. Heyroth, J. Rivory, E. Charron, B. Gallas and M. Schubert, "Ion beam assisted growth of sculptured thin films: Structural alignment and optical fingerprints", Adv. Solid State Phys. 46, 309, Springer Series (2007).