College of Engineering      UNL

In addition to being eligible for scholarships awarded by the University of Nebraska – Lincoln (UNL) and the College of Engineering (COE), undergraduate students currently enrolled in mechanical engineering and incoming transfer students can receive scholarships through the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (MME). 

  • Approximately $75,000 in scholarships is available annually.*
  • Scholarships typically range from $500 to $2,500.
  • There are several scholarship funds, with a variety of donor requirements.
  • Eligibility requirements for various scholarships may include academic performance, financial need or area of donor interest.

These scholarships are available to current undergraduates and transfer students enrolled in the MME program. 

*Incoming freshmen are not eligible for MME scholarships at this time. For more information about freshmen scholarships, contact Engineering Student Services at Other scholarship information for incoming students can be found on the college's undergraduate programs scholarship information page. 

Although a FAFSA form should not be submitted with this application, if there is financial need, students should provide information on how their tuition is being funded. 

These scholarships are made available through the generous donations of alumni, organizations, and community members through the Nebraska Foundation. 

Completed Scholarship applications must be submitted by January 31 to the Undergraduate Program Coordinator in the MME office or via email to