Joseph G. Svoboda, University Archivist, served the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from 1968 until his retirement in 1993. One of his most enduring contributions to the University is the creation of the Czech Heritage Collections. Under his guidance, collections relating to Czech immigration, exile, World War II, and the Prague Spring, were gathered from all over the world. An exile himself, Svoboda sought exile newspapers and developed close working relationships with Czech exile journalists in other countries. Of particular interest, Svoboda eventually recorded 65 interviews with Nebraskans of Czech descent. In 2001, the Czechoslovak Society for Arts and Sciences (SVU) honored Svoboda at conference held in Lincoln, Nebraska, for his role in creating the Czech Heritage Collections.
For more information, see Joseph Svoboda.
For more information on the history of Czechs in Nebraska, see the Czech Heritage Project
- Charter 77, Czech Heritage Records (MS 0124)
- Sbírka Charta 77 (MS 0124) (In Czech)
- Joe Svoboda, Czech Heritage Oral Histories (MS 0581)
- Czech Immigration Symposium, Speeches (MS 0258)
- Sympózium o historii ceský ch imigrantu v USA, Spisy (MS 0258) (In Czech)
- Czechoslovak Scout Movement in Exile, Records (MS 0123)
- Czeskoslovenští skauti v exilu (MS 0123) (In Czech)
- Josef Falta, Czech Heritage Papers (MS 0120)
- Josef Falta, Spisy (MS 0120) (In Czech)
- Barbara Horak, Czech Heritage Correspondence (MS 0277)
- Barbara Horak, Korespondence (MS 0277) (In Czech)
- Emma Jarosova, Czech Heritage Papers (MS 0274)
- Emma Jarošová, Spisy (MS 0274) (In Czech)
- Henry John, Czech Heritage Papers (MS 0086)
- Henry John, Spisy (MS 0086) (In Czech)
- Josef Josten, Czech Heritage Papers (MS 0087)
- Josef Josten, Spisy (MS 0087) (In Czech)
- Adolph Kacer, Czech Heritage Papers (MS 0278)
- Adolph Kacer, Spisy (MS 0278) (In Czech)
- Josef Kalvoda, Czech Heritage Papers (MS 0271)
- Josef Kalvoda, Spisy (MS 0271) (In Czech)
- Ed Kopac, Czech Heritage Papers (MS 0272)
- Ed Kopac, Spisy (MS 0272) (In Czech)
- Rudolf Kopecky, Czech Heritage Papers (MS 0089)
- Rudolf Kopecky, Spisy (MS 0089) (In Czech)
- Adolf Kratochvil, Czech Heritage Papers (MS 0255)
- Adolf Kratochvil, Spisy (MS 0255) (In Czech)
- Josef Martinek, Czech Heritage Papers (MS 0121)
- Josef Martinek, Spisy (MS 0121) (In Czech)
- National Committee for a Free Europe, Czech Heritage Records (MS 0125)
- Národní komise pro svobodnou Evropu (MS 0125) (In Czech)
- John Pastorak, Czech Heritage Sermons (MS 0088)
- John Pastorak, Kázání (MS 0088) (In Czech)
- Oskar Pejsa, Czech Heritage Papers (MS 0273)
- Oskar Pejsa, Spisy (MS 0273) (In Czech)
- Terezie Pospisilova, Czech Heritage Diary (MS 0091)
- Terézie Pospíšilová, Deník (MS 0091) (In Czech)
- Ladislav Prudek, Czech Heritage Papers (MS 0269)
- Ladislav Prudek, Spisy (MS 0269) (In Czech)
- Miloslav Rechcígl, Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences (SVU) Records (MS 0399)
- Frank & Charles Sadilek, Czech Heritage Papers (MS 0275)
- Frank & Charles Sadilek, Spisy (MS 0275) (In Czech)
- Stanislav Serpan, Czech Heritage Papers (MS 0122)
- Stanislav Šerpán, Spisy (MS 0122) (In Czech)
- Pauline Sorensen, Family Papers (MS 0385)
- Josef Tománek, Czech Heritage Papers (MS 0270)
- Josef Tománek, Spisy (MS 0270) (In Czech)
- Oldrich Zajicek, Czech Heritage Papers (MS 0276)
- Oldrich Zajicek, Spisy (MS 0276) (In Czech)
- Petr Zenkl, Czech Heritage Papers (MS 0097)
- Petr Zenkl, Spisy (MS 0097) (In Czech)